Studebaker commander 1951

Pontiac Star chief 1956

Mercedes Benz
All the glory of the World
The title comes from Jose Martí's phrase: All the glory in the world fits in a grain of corn. The first series of these pieces was made in Cuba in 1998 and consisted of a grain of corn with a text engraved and then glued to a black printed paper in the order of Yo, Fe Patria, Poder and ended with a pop corn. This project would also be engraving the texts on the beads suspended in epoxy resin and there would be many more with different statements and ending in the same way.
Living Cuba
It is a project to be carried out and exemplifies part of the rhetoric of social property VS personal property and the Cuban "social being" in its room composed of obviously stolen objects of social use. A hydrant connected to a water fountain, a dispenser used as a refrigerator, airport seats, grass as a floor, an outdoor table with an umbrella, street lighting....